
Ever since the founding of Caabu in 1967, the question of Palestine has been a core aspect of our work, specifically in ensuring that Britain's position is rooted in international law, respect for human rights and a fair and viable resolution of this long-running conflict.   

Palestinians have long described the oppressive and repressive situation of brutal Israeli military occupation, blockade, and discrimination within…
The British Prime Minister Liz Truss announced her intention to conduct a review into the location of the British Embassy to Israel. On 5 August as a…
Caabu opposes annexation of territory as a fundamental breach of international law. This includes Israel's annexation of the Syrian Golan Heights and…
Caabu works hard to ensure that politicians and the media have the most up to date facts, statistics and analysis of the situation in Gaza.
Caabu has worked extensively for some years on the issue of Palestinian detainees, briefing Parliamentarians, organising delegations to Israel's…
Background on the Balfour Declaration His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish…