Amjad and Suha Bseisu Foundation

Amjad and Suha Bseisu Foundation

Caabu is thrilled to announce partnership with the Amjad and Suha Bseisu Foundation. The Foundation focuses on transforming lives of people from the Middle East, helping to build a world based on civil society, uniform rights and equal opportunity. The Foundation supports the educational work of Caabu, believing in the importance of educating and informing British school children on Middle Eastern and Arab culture.

The Amjad and Suha Bseisu Foundation was created as a philanthropic charity in 2015, focussing on enabling transformative experiences for young people from the Levant. The Foundation strives to provide student with the highest levels of education and empower those that lack the resources to fully achieve their aspirations. The Foundation supports charities in generating positive change and strengthening civil society through targeted and strategic funding.  

With the Foundation’s support, Caabu is able to restart the education programme that can address the knowledge gaps about the Arab world, aiming to inspire critical thinking and for students to look beyond the headlines to the underlying issues.

For more information, visit